Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I Just Increased My Productivity

I was adding a new feed to Bloglines today and noticed a new option. "Ignore by Notifier". I tested it out and man does that work. It blocks your selected feeds from being shown by Bloglines Notifier. I have my beeping at me every 5 minutes telling me i have a new feed. Of course, I have to see what it is. It just kills my productivity. This allows me to only have the one's I want to see immediately show up in the notifier. Way cool.
Here's how to use it:
Click Edit on your feed navigator. Check the ones you want to ignore. Pull down the option box and select Ignored by Notifier. Then Submit.
I'm loving it already. Share the wealth.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Being Thanksgiving and all, this week's theme was "Thankful". I'm thankful I know how to make cheesecake and that people really seem to enjoy it. So, with that, here's my entry for this week.

Mike ate the last two pieces, so don't ask if there are any leftovers.

Other entries here.

Who's picking next week's theme?

Friday, November 25, 2005

More Pictures from Thanksgiving

I took a few more pictures on Thanksgiving day. Just got around to uploading a few of the better one's to Flickr.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Well, I picked this week's topic and I probably should be shot. I didn't find many things new and didn't have a ton of time to play with my new camera as Mike's been keeping me very busy with painting and such. But I couldn't let a week go by without posting something so here it is. I hope everyone else had better luck than I did.

What does everyone think of doing "Thankfull" for next week's theme? That gives everyone a chance to submit some sort of Thanksgiving picture as I'm sure we're all doing something to celebrate.
As always, everyone else's pictures posted to Flickr and Our Weekly Photo Contest

Friday, November 18, 2005

Something to make me laugh

I found this on CNet today. It made me chuckle. Now I'm sharing. Hope you find humor in it too. Still trying to figure out what the sheep reference is about.

First Pictures With Canon 350D

Well, here it is. My first picture post with my new Canon 350D (Rebel XT). I'm so excited about having it and can't wait to fill up that 2GB CF card with all kinds of new pictures. I've already started my X-mas list of accessories that I want. Maybe I should post that so you guys can start shopping :-).
So, here it is, my first picture with the camera.

Isn't it great? Actually, I thought all day about what my first picture would be and couldn't come up with anything and as I was sitting at Pizza Hut holding the camera for the first time I just decided to take one of Rachel (my daughter) as she was sitting on the other side of the table. Wouldn't it figure, I forgot to turn the autofocus back on on the lens. Nice. Well, that's normally what happens with new stuff, you screw up with it the first few times then something nice comes out. Here are a few others I've taken in the last couple of days.
Haven't had much time due to work (arg, who needs work) and it getting dark so early. So, maybe if Mike let's me away from painting and flooring this weekend I'll get some photo time in. More updates to come.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Eagle Has Landed!!!!

Well, after many weeks of waiting, my camera finally arrived yesterday. My 2GB CF card is coming today. That makes all of my recent camera purchases complete! I'll post some pictures soon and let you know how it's all going. I'm so excited to finally have it here. Now I just need to figure out how to use it. Lots of camera time in my near future. Updates to follow.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Again, I was busy this weekend and didn't have time to go out and do much photography. Guess I'm saving all my energy for the new camera (yes, it finally shipped on Friday. Hope it's here by the weekend). I had this idea earlier in the week so I set up a quick take and got a couple out of it. Here's the better of the bunch.

Everyone else's posts as always can be found on our Flickr photo group.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


I had a tough time getting out and taking pictures again this week. Been to busy and haven't been in that creative spirit the last couple of weeks. Guess it's the blues caused by waiting for my new camera. Well, still managed to put something together. I told my wife that I was making a batch of cookies in the name of "art". I really just wanted the cookies and they happen to work for the shot. But she doesn't need to know that.

Everyone else's photos can be found in one place now. (Link) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A little afternoon humor

I didn't know Scott Adams (The Dilbert Guy) had a blog. I subscribed to it the other day and he posts some very funny stuff. This is one of the better ones that I've seen so far. I actually laughed out loud during my training class. Oops, guess I should be paying attention. Busted.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Camera Update

Well, I finally found out why Dell hadn't shipped my camera yet, it's backordered. At least I'm not the only one waiting.
On the brighter side, my lens shipped today, should be here next week. Oh, but no camera to put it on. Bummer.
Went to buy a new CF card yesterday, didn't get time to order it once I got home. I looked this morning and the deal was off. Strike two. Anyone sees a good deal on a fast 1Gb CF card, let me know. Well, I'll get back to my waiting. It's getting old and I'm sure certain people are tired of me talking about it.