Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

Well, the day is here and the house is a mess with ribbons and paper and bows. I hope everyone else is having a wonderful day. Enjoy this time with family and friends. It's special to realize how lucky you are to have someone to spend this wonderful time of year with.
Now, if only we had some snow I could put the harness that Santa brought Toby on him and take the kids out sledding.
Merry Christmas everyone.

Monday, December 19, 2005


Well, I had a few extra sick days at work so I decided to use them up before the end of the year. No, really, Andrew decided to make me take some time off, little flu passer. No, it’s not really his fault; he’s just a victim of some smart person not finding the cure to the common crud. Ya, that’s right, it’s their fault. But I’m not bitter, I only had to bow down to the porcelain god just once.
The problem with being sick isn’t being sick so much, even though that does have it’s bad moments, it’s the boredom, the back pain from sitting for hours in a chair that you normally find comfortable, the constant thought that at any moment you will be running to the John to see the Jell-O that you just downed.
The only things that save me are family members that stop and get you sick person food while they’re out buying me Christmas presents, little kids asking everything of Mommy because I have a 5 foot perimeter of crime scene tape around me where no one can pass, and wife’s that only want to curl up with you and make it all better.
I’m glad I seem to get sick every year at the end of they year. It’s cold outside, work is often slow, and there’s so many Christmas cooking shows on TiVo. Oh, if you ever get sick, stop at the local Best Buy and get yourself a TiVo. It’s better than NyQyl, Jell-O and pudding combined.
Well, back to my resting. This typing is taking it’s toll on me.


Sunday, December 18, 2005

Toby in the Snow

We had quite a bit of sun this weekend, even if I was stuck inside with a sick child for a good portion of that. I was still able to capture a good pic of Toby as he was out basking in the sun.

Hopefully we'll get some others to post this week. If so, they can be found here.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas Time Is Here

Time to take pictures of things that deal with Christmas. What fun. All the lights and colors. Here's the start of many more Christmas pictures.

Anyone else going to post a picture? Seems like Chris and I are all that's left. Hope to see more next week.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Something a Bit More... um.... Suggestive.

This week's theme was an open one. Didn't have a ton of time to think about what I wanted to do. I really wanted to take advantage of all the snow we've had, but never was able to get out when it was still light outside. So last night I thought I would have a little fun ;). Here's what came of it.

All the rest of the group's pictures can be found here.